Attack anyway?
Life points
925 - 1023
This item will become soul bound as soon as you put it on!
Guild: --ABSOLUT-- [--RO--]
Character description
They say we die twice. Once when the breath leaves our body, and once when the last person we know says our name.
sunt doar un tip prafuit, plictisitor si fara chef, dar mare fan al functiei
asa ca dupa cum spunea un vechi coleg:
"Forget all the hope, you who enter!"
In rest... pentru orice problema, contactati cu incredere pe oricare admin DARK_SIDE
Toate cele bune.
A great general once said,
"You tell your men,
'You're soldiers.
"That's our flag. '
"You tell them,
'Nobody takes our flag. '
"Raise your flag so it flies high
where everyone can see it.
Now you've got yourself a castle."
I gotta be a man, and do it on my own
On the final day, when the whistle blows
I can rest my body, I can rest my soul
I built my castle in the promised land
It's made of rocks and stone and like the shifting sands
When they mention my name, after I'm long gone
Well, they'll know I'm free...
Desfinteaza breasla
Vrei sa distrugi breasla complet? Sediul Breslei va fi ars complet iar Imparatul va primi tot aurul breslei tale!
Desfinteaza breasla / Anuleaza
In coltul tavernei sta MrMitza. In timpul zilei el este un tip loial dar cand vine noaptea castiga niste bani in plus ca si ???. Cine sta in spatele lui, ramane un mister. Toate persoanele care sunt extrem de curioase sunt ingropate in curte sau la subsol. MrMitza se tine mereu de cuvant in ciuda acestor incidente si asta conteaza. Ordinele sale nu sunt chiar cele mai usoare dar sunt bine platite.
Sfatul Parintesc al lui MrMitza
Eu risc să-mi pierd renumele. Toţi mă cunosc şi eu îi cunosc pe toţi. De aceea, nu-mi pot permite să lucrez cu începători însetaţi de sânge. Nu am nimic împotriva ta, dar nici nu vreau ca tu să mori. MrMitza are grijă de oamenii lui. Revino după ce ai acumulat mai multă experienţă.
Un mic sfat care nu te costă nimic: cu mai multă experienţă totul va fi mult mai usor pentru amandoi.
There is no peace, there is anger.
There is no fear, there is power.
There is not death, there is immortality.
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.
I am the Heart of Darkness.
I know no fear,
But rather instill it in my enemies.
I am the destroyer of worlds.
I know the power of the Dark Side.
I am the fire of Hate.
All the Universe bows before me.
I pledge myself to Darkness.
For I have found true life,
in the death of the light.
Peace is a lie, There is only passion
Through Passion I gain Strenght.
Through Strenght I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory
Through Victory,
My chains are Broken.
The Force Shall set me Free.
Once more the Sith shall rule.
The Sith feel no fear
The Sith feel no doubt.
We will triumph.
Let's kill them all.